

Monday, September 04, 2017

Meet The Edinburgh Branch

Thursday, 7 September – 7:00pm

Thursday, 5 October – 7:00pm

Thursday, 2 November  – 7:00pm

Thursday, 7 December  – 7:00pm

Venue: The Quaker Hall, Victoria Terrace, Edinburgh EH1 2JL

Members of Edinburgh branch regularly hear from people that they are not really interested in politics. The truth is that any action to operate society is political and if people refuse to take political action which is in their own interest, others are only too willing to fill the gap, and run society in their own way, for their own gain.

Today there are numerous left-wing organisations which, to a varying degree, draw their political inspiration from Lenin, Trotsky and the Bolsheviks. Despite bitter disputes over the minutia of their faith, they all conform to a common pattern. Each adopts a programme of immediate demands which are designed as bait to attract working class support with a general rule that the party which must lead the masses, develops a highly centralised leadership within the party, with the rank and file members subordinate to an inner elite. The Socialist Party of Great Britain from its inception has rejected this form of organisation. The Socialist Party hammers home the simple point which it has since never failed to stress—that there can be no socialism without a majority of the working class understanding what needs to be done and prepared to take decisive action to establish the new society.

The Socialist Party strives to educate and propagate the knowledge that will finally oust that which in the past and up to the present has helped to subjugate and exploit the world’s workers. Socialism is not a better way of running capitalism but a world wide system of society in which the private ownership of the means of production and distribution would be replaced by social ownership.  Capitalism is a filthy rotten and decrepit social and economic system, whose apologists will stoop to any level to ensure their profits are never threatened. If this means starting a war, destroying crops from above with poison sprays, overthrowing a democratically-elected government, then so be it—there is no shortage of evidence to support this.

Karl Marx's son-in-law wrote Lafargue “A citizen who gives his labour for money degrades himself to the rank of slaves.”

Join us to discuss socialism and organise to promote a world of production for use, not profit. A world of common ownership and democratic control without the state, leaders, nations, war or money.

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