

Monday, September 18, 2017

Meet The Glasgow Branch

Glasgow Branch Meetings

Wednesday, 20 September  - 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Wednesday, 18 October  - 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Wednesday, 15 November  - 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Wednesday, 20 December  - 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Venue: Maryhill Community Central Halls, 304 Maryhill Road, Glasgow G20 7YE
Regular meetings of the Glasgow Branch of The Socialist Party of Great BritainEveryone welcome.
Common ownership will foster new kinds of relationships between human beings. Women and men will, at last, be free to live life as they choose, to cooperate with each other in building a future in which we will no longer be exploited. A socialist world will only be possible by people behaving in pro-social ways. We do not ask for a fundamental change in human nature. None is needed. Even today, with the market system dominant and people encouraged to look after themselves first, most men and women behave pro-socially when they see someone in need of help. Market forces are forces alien to the best in human nature (human behaviour would be a better term). The building of the world socialist movement is a task for those not passively submitting to the discipline of the market but able and willing to help create something better for themselves and their fellow humans.

In a nutshell, Glasgow's only socialist group argues that:

1. The resources to produce what we need are owned by the rich 5 percent, while the remaining 95 percent of us do all the work.
2. These two groups, or classes, are always going to be at loggerheads because of it.
3. This dispute will only be settled when we 95 percent organise and abolish class ownership, and run a democratic system of communal ownership instead.
4. When we do this, there will be no further oppression of any sort.
5. But we must do it ourselves, without leaders.
6. Since we can't fight governments and armies, we must organise to take them over by political means and abolish them along with ownership by the rich.
7. We must oppose any party which wants to keep or reform the present system, no matter how well intentioned.
8. Glasgow's SPGB branch calls upon all workers to organise to do this, in the interests of themselves, their children, and the future of the planet.

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