

Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Pro-Life Until The Money Runs Out.

Assisted Suicide in Canada: What doctors think – the

I will leave it up to the reader to look up the article but the main idea is the hesitation with assisting a person's wish to die. I have always been a pro-choice person and over the years my ideas did not change a bit. 

A system that extorts you to death, will keep you alive if it means more profit. They will keep you hooked up to a machine and make you breathe even if you do not want to. That is until the money or funding runs out. I am so over with the sentimental, religious or pro-life approach. If a person does not want to participate in this system or society anymore, instead of finding it horrible/unbearable/unbelievable, just honour the person's wish at least. People get told what they should believe in, how they should live and how they should die, how they should love and even how they should make love.

 It is the time that society honours each person's wish as at least a small step towards respecting self-determination. Capitalism is the arch-enemy of self-determination even though the rhetoric sounds like it is pro-choice. Pro-profit it is and it will remain until we toss it into history's graveyard and put a stick through its heart so that it does not rise from death. Socialism is pro-choice and socialists respect people's right to self-determination. 

Steve and John.

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