

Monday, September 25, 2017

The Point Where Nutty Things Follow.

Between the time of writing this (August 7), and the time you read it, this information may be old news,may because any day Donald Trump may do something bizarre. The questions many are asking now are, "Did Russian businessmen and/or gangsters, (and sometimes the difference is blurred), connive to get trump elected, and if so was he aware of it?

We of the SPC say that for the working class of the U.S., and elsewhere, it doesn't matter, because whoever gets elected, and however they get elected, the fundamentals of capitalism remain intact, which cause their problems. Can anyone imagine Hillary advocating Capitalism's abolition? 

Of course the situation regarding Trump is crazy, Meshigana or Bonkers, call it what you will, but what else can we expect when the very basics of capitalism are crazy? The vast majority of the world's people create its wealth and docilely and legally hand it over to a small minority. From this point all many of nutty things flow. 

John Ayers.

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