

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The System Overrules The Good Intentions

Some politicians are well meaning and, as I was once a member of a pro-capitalist party, I can speak from experience. One such person is Al Gore, who, though no longer in office, carries some weight. Watching him interviewed promoting his new movie, "An inconvenient sequel: Truth to Power." One definitely feels he is really concerned about the effects of global warming. Gore makes various suggestions how this can be eliminated and to an extent, it can be slowed down within capitalism, but never stopped.

Gore is oblivious to the fact that the government making decisions concerning global warming are responding to the needs of capitalism in the countries they represent. Does anyone seriously think Trump gives a damn about the effects of it, and he isn't the only one? 

We in the SPC do not sneer at the well-known paradigm of good intentions, which could be a very fine thing if one translates those intentions into working for a society where global warming won't exist. 

John Ayers

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