

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Capitalism's Despicable Prorities

A statue of Mikhail Kalashnikov was unveiled amidst much pomp and ceremony in downtown Moscow on Sept.19. Amongst the hoopla, a priest sprinkled holy water on it, though it would have been more fitting if he had sprinkled body water. Kalshnikov's great contribution to humanity was the invention of the AK-47 rifle, which has killed more people than any other single weapon, including the atom bomb.

Russia's minister for culture, Vladimir Medinsky called the rifle,'' a Russian cultural brand, which equates it with Americas Coca-Cola and Levis.

Thankfully there was some negative reaction. A protester held up a sign saying, the creator of weapons is the creator of death. He was promptly arrested. 

One thing is crystal clear- capitalism's despicable priorities.

For socialism, 
Steve, Mehmet, John & all contributing members of the SPC.

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