

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Dirty Scotland

One million Scots are living in "dirty communities" blighted by an increase in litter, graffiti and flytipping, according to a report by Keep Scotland Beautiful.
The environmental charity found the most deprived neighbourhoods had been worst hit by a decline in local environmental quality. It said standards had reached their lowest point in more than a decade. It suggested that the gap in standards between Scotland's most deprived and most affluent areas was widening. The charity said "...the most deprived communities have experienced the greatest decline."
Keep Scotland Beautiful chief executive Derek Robertson said: "The national picture is one of declining standards and neglect.
"This national decline has been caused by the perfect storm of austerity, unsustainable consumption, lack of civic pride and concern, and perhaps an increase in irresponsible behaviour...Improving local environmental quality is not just about reducing litter levels and removing graffiti. There are wider consequences of living in a poor local environment. It impacts on health and wellbeing outcomes, contributes towards people's fear of crime and negatively impacts economic development."
The report was based on data from more than 14,000 surveys of council areas across Scotland.

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