

Sunday, October 08, 2017

It's A Barbie Nonsense

One might think the gents elected to office in Ottawa would be above thinking in sexist terms, well think again pally 'cos some of 'em are really goofy.

 Gerry Ritz, Tory MP for Lloydminster really put it on,(sorry folks couldn't resist it, but please keep reading I won't do it again), called Catherine McKenna, minister for environment and climate change ,''a climate Barbie''. 

Nor did his leader Andrew Scheer criticize him. Foreign Affairs minister Chrystia Freedland was laughed at for wearing a red dress and dismissed for her charm. The incoming governor general, Julie Payette, an engineer and astronaut was hounded over the details of her divorce and for having been found faultless in a traffic accident.

It makes one wonder when these clowns will ever wake up and realize that as far as brains, talent and inclination are concerned there are no differences between the sexes, but differences between people. I guess it will take a socialist society to make 'em see the light.

For socialism, 
Steve, Mehmet, John & all contributing members of the SPC

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