

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

One Real Democracy

Speaking of Ms.Freeland - on Sept.22 she informed the government of Venezuela that Canada has imposed sanctions against 40 members of the regime of President Nicolas Maduro, including himself. Since taking office in 2013, Maduro has ruled by decree and ignored the elected national assembly. These individuals are, to quote Ms.Freeland, ''Helping to undermine the security, stability, and integrity of democratic institutions in Venezuela.''

Many capitalists would like to abolish democratic institutions so they can do exactly as they wish and many who defend political democracy do so to conn the working class into thinking by electing the upholders of capitalism to office they are the ones who rule.

 In the final analysis, there is only one real democracy and its called Socialism.

For socialism, 
Steve, Mehmet, John & all contributing members of the SPC.

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