

Saturday, October 07, 2017

Pie In The Sky

 In The Guardian's 27 September 2017 article, Jeremy Corbyn: neoliberalism is broken and we are now the centre ground, informs us that Corbyn's tax reform platform in the UK is high sounding better news for many workers in Britain as well as the rest of the planet. Rent controls, taxing developer's unused land, 'ending austerity, abolishing tuition fees, and scraping the public sector pay cap' – all music to some workers' ears. But what about this blind alley of reforming old capitalism? 

To good to be true? The globe is a big place, and no one has to look far to learn how capitalists easily move capital country to country, seeking higher and higher returns on capital; the exploitation of the great unwashed and washed alike, endlessly tossing up more human miseries, social degradation, pollution, social strife and inequalities . . . These are ubiquitous features of capitalism functioning in its usual disgustingly healthy way. 

We wish Corbyn and his company of reformists well, who wouldn't, but as long as capitalism is around it is 'pie in the sky' hoping it will ever run in the interests of workers. The point is to dump capitalism altogether.

For socialism, 
Steve, Mehmet, John & all contributing members of the SPC.

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