

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Police State

In the case of Eleanor Jones, twin-sister of Owen Jones, the well-known left-wing journalist, she was stopped from boarding her flight to Berlin where she lives, held by the police, quizzed her about her politics and her familyincluding her brother and questioned about the Hamburg G20 protests, had her belongings confiscated and her phone and computer data taken, which resulted in her missing her flight. No charges were pressed. Because of all of this she had to pay for another flight and now Police Scotland just shrug their shoulders and say tough, we're not paying. 

Eleanor Jones had been in Edinburgh for the funeral of her grandfather.

Police Scotland was legally able to detain and question her in this way under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000. Individuals who are questioned have no right to silence and it is an offence to wilfully fail to comply with a request made by an officer under this legislation.

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