

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Say No To Nationalism

Nationalism is a malignant disease that appeals to our most primitive and basic instincts. It divides people and therefore has no place in modern and developed society. We have to point out to nationalists that "freedom" and "sovereignty" i.e independence, is not the solution to their problem. We want all countries to be free from capitalism and are not in favour of encouraging the illusions fostered by parts of the propertied class. The Socialist Party and the World Socialist Movement are not enthusiastic about smaller nations forming their own states. All over the globe, nationalism is on the march and the battle cry is either “Independence” or "Defend the motherland", separatists or unionists, demanding that political power be turned over to them and this, they say, would allow them to set about the problems of poverty, unemployment and housing shortages which they say have ignored . Offering this as the main reason for their nationalism, they attract a lot of support and sympathy. What many people forget is that this newly won political power will be used to administer capitalism—with all the problems which already faced them.  Saner people should be more worried about the necessities of life: putting food on the table, a roof over their head, and other such mundane—and ultimately far more important—considerations, than the constitutional status of the place they happen to live in.

“Independence" is a word used to stir up emotions but the current economic system doesn’t play favourites based on national, ethnic, or cultural sovereignty. Capital investment and migration is based upon the likelihood of making better profits, not upon which of the largely irrelevant politicians form the government. Nationalist- ' quasi-racist' - issues are not the issues that will solve the problems that working class people face every day. The working class will never be served by nationalism. Sovereignty is a capitalist business, the factional feuding of the self-same class to win and control regions for profit, for the benefit of their local capitalists,  politicians, media chiefs and other self-serving functionaries.

The search for markets, sources of raw materials, cheap labour power and most profitable locations for business gave rise to "globalisation", no matter what nationality, religion or language for capital is not a personal but a social force. Independence solves none of the problems resulting from exploitation.  Nation-states governments remain wedded to the same set of priorities and subject to the same constraints as any other capitalist government. Poverty in the midst of a potential for plenty remains a running sore, massive disparities of wealth continue to exist and environmental degradation continues virtually unabated.

Socialists do not ask people to demand their "right of self-determination". Instead we urge them to forget the crumbs from the dishes of their masters’, but instead, organise under the slogan "One World—One People". The obstacle only lies in our minds. The only way out is to establish Socialism, which will organise the world so that everyone, whatever their sex or colour of skin, has free access to the world's wealth and stands equal to the rest of humanity. Independence cannot solve working-class problems, only the establishment of socialism will do that. 

The world's working class doesn’t need a change in politicians. Independence simply means the exchange of one set of exploiters for another. We need an end to class division. The joys of becoming an independent country are, by and large, illusory for the mass of the people and not worth the effort and sacrifice so often involved in achieving it. The message of socialism is a universal one. It reaches across the artificial borders built by men and it is for the ears of all workers. The real issue is capitalism or socialism. That is the lesson for workers to learn all over the world.

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