

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

SNP - Fake Promises

Scotland’s finance secretary has dampened hopes of a substantial pay rise for public sector workers, claiming he needed more money from the UK government. His remarks irritated Scottish trade union leaders, who believe Mackay is shifting the blame for a poor pay deal on to the UK government because Scottish ministers are unable to afford all their election promises.

Derek Mackay said his ability to offer Scottish nurses, police, teachers and civil servants the proper wage increase he had promised depended on whether Philip Hammond, the chancellor, increased public spending in the next UK budget.

Nicola Sturgeon’s government has repeatedly promised to end the 1% public sector pay cap, particularly after she endured difficult exchanges with nurses and teachers who complained about their financial problems during the general election campaign. The Scottish TUC issued a statement warning Mackay it expected both governments to honour their pay promises.  Trade union leaders are pressing for an above inflation pay rise. They suspect Sturgeon and Mackay are shying away from using Scotland’s new income tax powers to fund higher pay, but the STUC said it ought to use those powers regardless of the UK government’s decision.

“The Scottish government has responsibility for 90% of public workers. Half a million workers are depending on the SNP government taking action now for a fair pay deal... Public workers won’t wait for Westminster.”the STUC said.

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