

Saturday, October 14, 2017

The Choice is Yours to Pick

 Capitalism not only exploits people as its main engine of domination but now renders increasing numbers of people disposable.

 Our principles seems rather a "handful” at first, but once you get a firm grip, then the difficulties will vanish. They have served as solid foundations, on which a real world socialist movement has been erected. Our case, at first, probably appeared startling to you because of its tremendous difference from that of all other parties. That difference is not superficial, but fundamental in character. The ideas of the Socialist Party throws an entirely different light on our life and world problems—it puts them in their true perspective.

 The Socialist Party has put a clear and consistent case for socialism at all times. Unlike all the other so-called "socialist" groups, we have never supported futile attempts to patch up the profit system. All political parties, other than the Socialist Party, fall over themselves in wanting to do things for you. They promised work for all, higher wages, a raised standard of living, cheaper prices, etc., etc. All very acceptable. Labour, Tory, nationalist and LibDem—they stood to carry out various policies whilst accepting the present social set-up—capitalism. We in the Socialist Party put a very different case. After studying the problems confronting us, we claim that capitalism has outlived its usefulness. Other parties tell you that by a series of social reforms, the rough corners of your life can be smoothed over, and yet after years of “running repairs,” a general overhaul is necessary. It is this overhaul that we consider is important. You have probably heard our speakers say that a social revolution is needed. Yes, it is a drastic measure, but such action is called for when dealing with serious complaints. We want a complete change in the basis of society—the common ownership and democratic control of the instruments of production and distribution. By its very nature the profit system will always put the profits of the few before the needs of the majority.

 Capitalism is based on class ownership—the factories, shops, offices, etc., belong to a small group of people—the capitalist class. They are able to live a life of luxury and ease, they want for nothing. Have you ever thought why articles are produced? It is not because they meet the needs of people, but because they are to be sold so that their owners can derive a profit from selling them. As a worker, it is hardly necessary to describe your lot under this system. Work, work, and more work, when the bosses are willing to let you. For your food, clothes, and shelter, you rely on your wage, and we know it only just about goes around. Your life is one constant struggle to make ends meet, and yet you, with other workers, produce the wealth of the world BUT IT BELONGS TO THE CAPITALISTS.

  The Socialist Party has never held up the Russian régime or any of the other state dictatorships as examples of "socialism". Socialism means a world-wide, democratic system of society. Productive resources would be owned in common and production would be for direct, free use — not profit or sale. There would be free access to wealth. Although the groups referred to above halfheartedly criticise present-day Russia, their idea of socialism is, in fact, a model for state dictatorship of the same kind. The Socialist Party has always stated that socialism means the end of government and "law and order”, and the beginnings of people controlling their own lives democratically.
The Socialist Party has never posed as a "vanguard" or leadership for workers to follow or be "organised" by. We are simply a tool or vehicle to be used by workers wishing to take political action to end capitalism. Likewise, within The Socialist Party, there is no leadership, no "instructions from the Central Committee" such as you will find in the Trotskyist groups. The movement for a democratic society must clearly be democratic itself, based on shared understanding and principles, rather than on leaders and their sheep. As socialist understanding spreads among workers, these self- appointed “revolutionary vanguards" will be seen increasingly as irrelevant to the struggle for socialism. Common ownership and democratic control of the world's resources will come about through a socialist majority, transforming society by democratic means. Only then can universal suffrage be, as Karl Marx put it a century ago, "transformed from the instrument of trickery which it has been up till now. into an instrument of emancipation" (1880 Programme of FPSWF).

The establishment of socialism can be achieved when the majority of people see the need. This will alter the very foundations of society. Property will be owned by all mankind with democratic administration. The motive power in industry will then be the fulfilling of the people’s requirements. Goods won’t be sold because there will be no buyers or sellers. No wages, no money. Major problems of today will vanish because the basis of the new system will be such that harmony will exist between one human being and another.

 We appeal to all fellow-workers who believe that the economic forces working through the development of capitalist society demand a revolutionary socialist party; who believe that the emancipation of the working-class can only be obtained by the combined action of the members of that class, consciously organised in a socialist party, and who recognise that the class-struggle can alone be the basis of such a party; that therefore socialists must avow themselves in opposition to all non- socialist parties and politicians, to throw in your lot with us and help us in building up a strong and healthy fighting party, organised on definite class lines for the emancipation of the working class from wage-slavery under which they exist — from the capitalist society of which they are the victims. Conscious of the correctness of our principles and the soundness of our policy, we ask fellow-workers to help us to carry them into action.

While ere I live, I still will hurl my shaft
Of what I may possess of intellectual light.
Against the power and ignorance that bars the way
To freedom of the common needs of life,
And holds back the dawning of that brighter day
When man shall cease at last from social strife.
Despair not. . . But let us carry on.
And by our efforts help the cause along.
Remains the movement after we have gone.
Its object sure, its principles still strong.
(Extract from For Socialism August 2, 1948).

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