

Monday, October 16, 2017

Transport Poverty

More than one million people in Scotland live in areas at risk of "transport poverty", it has been claimed. The figure was calculated by Sustrans Scotland, which promotes walking and cycling. It claimed the lack of affordable transport pushes some households into car ownership which they cannot afford.
An analysis of official figures by Sustrans Scotland found problem areas with relatively low incomes, high car availability and low access to essential services by public transport. The organisation said car ownership can put pressure on households with lower incomes.
Its director John Lauder said: "We need a planning system that puts necessary services where people live. People should be able to access shops, schools, healthcare and some places of work within a short distance without the need for a car."
The Poverty Alliance has backed the call for more affordable transport to be made widely available. "Too many people living on low incomes have inadequate access to public transport, and other forms of transport sometimes seem out of reach," said its director Peter Kelly.

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