

Sunday, November 05, 2017

A Society Where There Are No "Good Laws"?

So the Saudi sheiks showed they're not a bunch of lousy chauvinist jerks at all, having just passed a law allowing women to drive next year, but...but... but... wait a minute, there may be more to this than meets the eye, perhaps we will find it in the profit and loss account and guess what side of the sheet? 
Car sales will increase, there will be showrooms, car washes and service centres just for women, insurance and advertising companies will do well out of this and gasoline sales will increase.
 Facts Global Energy said a ten per cent increase in driving would add about 60,000 barrels a day in gasoline sales. 
Certainly governments sometimes pass "good laws'' that are beneficial to the working class, but are nevertheless even more beneficial to the capitalist class or they would never pass them. How about a society where there are no ''good laws'' because they won't be needed?

SP of C

1 comment:

  1. Also, women will be allowed to attend arenas to watch sporting events
