

Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Cyber Bullying

 An article in a recent issue of the Canadian Jewish News focused on a problem that rarely makes front page news but is, nevertheless, another disgusting aspect of life under crapitalism, that of cyber-bullying. 
During the summer 12 year old Courtland Millman created the hashtag #StopTheBully in hopes of raising awareness among her peers about the effect cyber-bullying can have on people. Ms Courtland did this in response to the bullying received by her friend and her sister, who was told,''You are fat, you are ugly, you are not worth it''. She reported that 75 per cent of the response she has received has been positive. The effect of bullying on young people's self esteem can be devastating and can effect their personality for the rest of their lives, particularly if they do not feel comfortable enough to discuss it with their parents, which Ms Courtland strongly advises. 
The effects of daily life in capitalist society have a dehumanizing effect on most people and sooner than attempting to analyse why many folk of all ages try to drag others down to give themselves a lift. The young observe it in adults and follow suit. 
One must applaud Ms Courtland for her efforts but realize she is attacking the symptoms not the cause. It would be so much better if we lived in a society where the very effects of it would give everyone a lift. 
For those interested in the article see October 12.

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