

Saturday, November 04, 2017

Things Can Get Crazier.

On September 29 Barack Obama gave a speech at the Toronto Convention Centre in which he enlightened us all with this pearl of wisdom: "If you ask yourself when has humanity across the board been wealthiest, healthiest, most educated, most tolerant, least violent, the moment would be now". He may well be right, but he didn't say what planet he was talking about. A guy like that should, at least, be specific when he says things like that so we can go to whatever planet he was referring to.

Whadja mean things cant get any crazier? A couple in Toronto's plush Forest Hill neighbourhood sued a neighbour for having her house renovated to look like theirs. They were seeking $1.5 million in damages, $20,000 in statutory copyright damages and an injunction on the copycat to change the design of her house. Nor was she the only defendant; they also sued the builder, the architect, the contractors and the real estate agent who profited from the sale - well I guess theirs nothing like going for overkill. The allegations were not proven in court so the parties agreed to settle out of court and the terms were not disclosed. Logic, if it came in anywhere was that the plaintiffs felt there house was robbed of its uniqueness and therefore devalued. Whatever you make of the above one things for sure, within capitalism everything has a price tag.

For socialism, Steve, Mehmet, John & all contributing members of the SPC.

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