

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Think mutual aid

Many of us are working harder and longer just to maintain a roof over our heads and provide food on the table for our families.   We are trapped by capitalism and its buying and selling culture, an economic system fueled by accumulation and competition.

Many of us may want a new society where profit is not prioritised over people and planet. The capitalist mindset separates people from nature, 

  The desire for change comes from those who are dissatisfied that are simply struggling to survive and aspire to a decent life.  But many remain skeptical that such an alternative world is possible. But we cannot "repair" and inherently rotten system. We must replace it. Standards of living for waged and unwaged are under attack as the crisis exposes the true nature of the exploitative capitalist system. Capitalism threatens the world through war and the destruction of the environment.

To spread our vision of what is possible, and to inspire others to seek a world as it could be is about building political power, not just to resist and reform the injustices produced by current capitalist system, but to control and administer the resources of the planet, creating an alternative way for producing and distributing in ways that are just, sustainable, and democratic. We can all begin by spreading the word, sharing our radical imagination of the world that we want to live in. If we want to transform today's society we must go beyond capitalism. We can work with others to build social solidarity. we can create our own counter-power from below by organising in our communities, where we work and study. Together we have the potential power to change the world.

The Socialist Party is constantly urging workers not to judge persons or political parties by labels. It is this free acceptance of terms or words used to describe political opinions and policies that is responsible in no small measure for the confusion and misunderstanding which exists in the minds of workers everywhere to-day. If there is one tag used more often and indiscriminately than any other it is the label of "socialism”. Our vision is of a world without borders where resources are shared communally. A world where a co-operative effort of a free association of producers aims at meeting human need in the widest sense. A world where relationships are based on equality and mutual respect, overthrowing all relationships where some dominate others. We aim for a society which will put human need first and in a planetary economy, we need to build up solidarity with others doing the same thing internationally, all countries are connected. Problems like war and climate change need to be tackled world-wide. The working class has no country and national boundaries must be eliminated.

The Socialist Party warns of governments and bosses using nationalism to divide us and promote a false “national interest”. In Scotland, as in all countries, there is no common interest between the ruling class and the vast majority of working-class people. Capitalism is based on the exploitation of the working class by the employing class. We, the working class, can change society only through our own efforts. Real freedom can only come about through the revolutionary action of the working class. Working people will need to create their own revolutionary organisations controlled by everyone in them. What’s important is that we organise ourselves collectively. Full emancipation can only be achieved by without the abolition of capitalism.  

Socialist Party members put before our fellow-workers a case that really strikes at the roots of the problem. Our solution is not educational reform, nor any other kind of reform, but the abolition of private property—capitalism. When the means of producing wealth are owned in common by the whole of society no class will be able to exploit a subject class. There will be no classes—in other words, there will be no privileged and no unprivileged. We are convinced, after careful examination, that socialism is the only solution to the problems that afflict the workers and society in general, to-day. As socialism is in the interest of the workers, the workers have but to understand in order to accept and work for it. Our aim, therefore, is to get our socialist message spread as widely as possible.  It is a change that will bring into existence a social system in which all men and women, on a footing of social equality, will be able to control their own destinies and make their existence on earth something worth living for. That time may not be far off. It rests with the workers how soon it will come. You can hasten the progress towards a class-free, State-free Socialist Cooperative Commonwealth    

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