

Tuesday, November 21, 2017



Ex-Minister, Priti Patel, lied about her Israel visit & Bojo’s words
resulted in a woman receiving a doubled prison sentence in Iran.
Boris has a history of gaffes & being economical with the truth.

What's with these politicians who,
Insist on being chumps?
Such MP's are a motley crew,
With grey cells in their rumps.
Who clearly think they're not bound by,
The usual social rules;
And who prevaricate and lie,
And take us all for fools.

So would  you buy a used gun from,
Ex-Minister Patel?
She’d probably charge you a bomb,
For such materiel! (1)
Some say she looks quite devious,
And someone you can't trust; (2)
Too foxy and quite envious,
And with a power lust.

And Boris Johnson, Eton clot,
That would-be Churchill clone;
Who fantasises quite a lot,
And thus is blunder prone.
Does he believe, this rank poltroon,
That he’s this era’s sage?
This man who's merely a buffoon,
And hates to be backstage!

So what makes both these reprobates,
Think that they're qualified;
To regulate all of our fates,
When both of them have lied?
Most MP’s when they’ve just begun,
Claim their job’s doing good;
But they soon vote for number one,
And their own livelihood!

(1) Patel is staunchly pro-Israel and wanted Britain
to fund an Israeli Army hospital for Syrian refugees.

(2) She was a former big tobacco lobbyist who
voted against an EU tobacco control directive.

© Richard Layton

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