

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Fellow-Workers, Join Your Party!

The capitalists have attacked you with every weapon at their command. They have battered down your wages to starvation levels. They have cast you on the scrap-heap of insecurity and the gig economy in the millions. They have ignored your every protest. The working man or woman who tries to find a way clear through the hurdles and hardships of present-day conditions is faced with a hard task. Everywhere, there are distress and despair. Rising prices, falling wages, the uncertainty of a steady secure job and ever-deepening misery.

 The trade unions are engaged only in a desperate endeavour to keep their membership from disappearing.  The Labour Party leaders have nothing to say, although always ready to make all kinds of promises for a beautiful future time when they are the Government. New organisations and new saviours are held before the workers as salvation, shams to conceal from the workers their continued enslavement and hide from them the real issue and the only path for the workers - the path of the workers’ revolution.

The Socialist Party wants an end to this class tyranny and oppression. The pro-capitalist politicians all stand upon the backs of the workers and differ on only over their share of the plunder. We must stand together in the struggle of the workers against their exploiters. If our fellow-workers do not awaken in time a terrible fate awaits us all. The aim of the Socialist Party is to establish socialism and abolish the right of one person to rob another of the fruits of his or her labour. This is what makes our party different from all others.

In the event of a Socialist Party candidate being elected, he or she would enter parliament to expose the system´s falseness; to treat that body as the camp of the enemy, to fight above all for the class interests of the wage workers, by which we mean not only their economic but also their political interests. What are these? Simply, the achievement of a socialist society. Of course, we harbour no illusions that we will get a seat in parliament in the near future. The support for revolutionary politics is at a low level at present and we are well aware that the vote for the Socialist Party will be tiny, but we feel it necessary to state our views on how revolutionary socialists should treat parliament and parliamentary seats. Workers desperately need a political movement of our own. A movement which puts our interests first because it is a movement by, for and of us. Since the system we live under, capitalism, is based on our exploitation, such a movement needs to be explicitly anti-capitalist. It needs to aim for the overthrow of the capitalist system and its replacement by a new truly socialist society, based on organising production to meet the human needs of all rather than private profit for a super-rich few. One part of building such a movement is running in elections, to challenge the parties which defend and manage exploitation and oppression and to get our ideas out to the widest possible audience.

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