

Friday, December 22, 2017

Scotland's productivity

The Office for National Statistics found that, last year, the Glasgow City Council area generated more than £20bn of economic output for the first time.
The figure of £20.3bn was 3% up on the previous year.
The City of Edinburgh's economy grew slightly faster, at 4.6%, but fell just short of the £20bn mark.
Measured as output per resident, Edinburgh was ahead of Glasgow, by £39,330 to £33,120.
However, both were well behind Aberdeen, with output per head of £46,150.
Of the four home nations, Scotland grew the slowest, at 3% in cash terms, while the UK as a whole grew by 3.7%.
Output per head in Scotland was £24,800, while across the UK as a whole, it was £26,339.
The highest output per head was in London at £46,482

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