

Tuesday, December 05, 2017

The purpose of a socialist party

Out of the darkness of the past will rise the new dawn of the future. As long as there is capitalism there will be socialism, watered by tears of the exploited but fertilised by agitation of class struggle, unfurling its red banner and proclaiming its mission of emancipation.  Socialist Party activity will be kept up as far as conditions and means permit. Fellow workers, so long as a small class possesses the means of life, you will toil in poverty for them; and reforms will do nothing to lift the burden. Socialism alone will do that. Organise for the common ownership of the earth 

Present-day society involves the enslavement of the working-class and, consequently, a struggle between that class and its masters. Given that capitalism is a dynamic system of production, it can subsist indefinitely if it can muster enough of a majority in favour of prolonging its lifespan. Where previous social systems had their maximum limit, owing to their relatively static character, as a dynamic system capitalism has no such limit. Consequently, unless the decision is reached, consciously and deliberately (that is, politically), to put an end to it as such, capital will just go on being accumulated.

The workers must free themselves by converting the means of life into common property and that they must take political power for that purpose.  Every political party seeks the support of the workers only one party can represent their interests. That party is the Socialist Party. No other party can use the political machinery except as an instrument of oppression. Parties which stand for capitalism in any shape or form, no matter what superficial changes they propose, can only maintain the system against the workers. A socialist party can only exist by denying the existence of any and all parties of capitalism.  The Socialist Party, standing as it does for a social revolution, can only achieve its object by means of a political revolution.

There is no inherent contradiction between having a policy of abolition of the wages system (based on the materialist conception of history) and encouraging workers to resist the encroachments of capital. The contradiction enters in only where the more class-conscious socialist party links its policy to demands arising out of the less class-conscious economic class struggle. Such an emphasis exercises a retarding influence on the Party's development as an organisation representing the interests of the vast majority, causing it to retreat from its objective of common ownership even without formally abandoning it. 

The legislative, and administrative powers must be grasped from the hands of the agents of the master-class by the working-class consciously organised in a political party for the purpose. Only then can the means of life become the property of all.  There can be no compromise between the robbers and the robbed, the rulers and the oppressed. The antidote to the blind trust in leaders is to arm yourself with the necessary knowledge that will acquaint you with the road you must travel to achieve your freedom from wage slavery. Once you have grasped the fundamentals of your position in society you will lay down the policy to be carried out and you will not require ‘‘leaders” or vanguard. In the class struggle, it is not only what you are against but what you are for that counts. Workers who advocate capital accumulation and production for profit are in the end just as welcome to the capitalist class as members of the élite itself, provided they realize on which side their bread is buttered. That the working-class movement should have poured so much of their energy into securing approval from the master class to administer its system only testifies to general obtuseness on the part of the workers themselves in regard to their own material interests. Workers whose organisations do not act in accordance with a conscious and deliberate interpretation of these interests are in the end no better than spineless lackeys; they are not really free individuals. Having made their peace with profit, they cannot thereafter produce any organisations uniquely their own - even though there is not a recognisable capitalist to be found in their ranks.

Capitalism is dependent upon the exploitation of workers—and an awareness of this is gestating in the minds of workers just like a developing foetus. As workers class consciousness rises as they realise they are expendable wage slaves it leads to resistance. The politicians represent the capitalists' interests and are complicit in perpetuating an elaborate hoax on America’s working class and her poor.  When the truth is revealed, revolution comes closer. The power of the privileged elite is built upon lies and delusion. Their power appears formidable and insurmountable but in reality, a thinking man or woman causes them to quake. A thoughtful vote is all that is required to up-root the system. And it is why the ruling class loathe democracy and socialism. The fundamental conflicts inherent in capitalism remain unresolvable.   When men and women grow socially and politically astute, class consciousness will develop, and it will hasten the ripening of the conditions for revolt. We will see things as they really are, and we will be able to connect the dots in order to discern the bigger picture and comprehend the economic and political motivation behind events. We will identify all things in their appropriate relation to other facts and interpret them in their proper historical context. A class conscientious worker is not easily deceived. Parties with principles cannot be dissuaded or distracted. Socialists will never compromise or make concessions to avoid conflict. We embrace class struggle because we know it is the only way to social justice.

 Nationalism, reverence for the flag and the national anthem and loyalty to the Royal Family and the military is commonly called patriotism, and are capitalist ideologies. Their purpose is to promote obedience and respect for the authority of the State. Patriotism is a tool of oppression that is used to prevent dissent. It serves the interests of the oppressor, not the oppressed. Organised religion serves a similar purpose: to keep the rabble in line and to preserve the power and privilege of the capitalist elite. 

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