

Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Our Revolution

The Socialist Party is out to teach the working class to understand his or her class position in society as the workers are unconscious of their slavery and prefer to look after their masters’ interests rather than their own.
The Socialist Party promotes a revolution in thinking. The Socialist Party frequently explain workers today produce all wealth in society, but, for their noble efforts, receive back from the capitalist class —the shirking class—just sufficient to enable them to exist, with a view to turning out more profit. No worker can claim that he or she has the right to work—which is the only way to survive—for that right is in the hands of the master class. No work is given to the worker unless the master can make a profit. What good has the capitalist done to the workers? No good at all, in fact, the very system produces misery, degradation, and disease. With the destruction of the capitalist system and the establishment of socialism, every worker will be producing wealth in the interest of the whole community.

Today's capitalist class does not require jackbooted brown-shirts in the streets saluting demagogue dictators at mass rallies. It prefers people apolitical, and apathetic, distracted and divided, atomised and individualized, concerned primarily with identity politics and consumerism. The oligarchy love it when we keep quiet  and when they see millions of mindless consumers storming stores to buy and consume more.  Many of the objectives of capitalists appear on the surface to been accomplished—the defeat of the working class and their trade unions, the marginalisation of resistance and opposition, racial and nationalist divide and rule, without the need for overt fascism or militarisation of society.  There exists a rightward drift fed by a widespread sense of popular abandonment and betrayal.

That “Left” focuses on oppressions and identities of race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, and the like.  In the place of the underlying all-encompassing class conflict between the capitalist class an the rest of us, it points the finger at an individualist explanation of our oppression. Ruling classes have been playing the game of divide-and-rule since the dawn of class rule.  Labour, social, and political history is rife with capitalists and their agents destroying unity struggle by cultivating and exploiting internecine divisions of ethnicity, gender, nationality, and religion, fostering working-class fragmentation and it has been part of the capitalist’s long-standing strategy in the class war on workers' solidarity.  For sure racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia and the like have terrible consequences for the immediate victims and must be challenged on their own terms but more vitally in connection with the essential task of building a broader revolutionary movement and party for people power. 

Some on the left, particularly the greens point the finger at all those who participate in industrialized society, who are accused of destroying eco-systems by consuming the Earth’s resources rather than indict the real enemy of humanity – the capitalist exchange economy and its need to expand to accumulate greater profits. As the eco-Marxist Jason W. Moore’s reflections reminds us, It was not humanity as whole that created …large-scale industry and the massive textile factories of Manchester in the 19th century or Detroit in the last century or Shenzhen today. It was capital. If indeed we must blame homo sapiens then let us acknowledge that it was under the command of the capitalist class, a small portion of the species that has ruled for just a tiny portion of human history.

The Socialist Party does not hold false hopes that our masters will ever behave in decent ways. It does not share any faith in the benevolence of the bourgeois elites who plan to make things right for the exploited. The Marxist view is sceptical of “moralising” about the rich. It sees people’s consciousnesses as shaped by the world around them, which makes it futile to exhort people to be “better.” The real task is not to make billionaires feel guilty, but to change the economic system that produces billionaires with all their corresponding unpleasant personal characteristics.  The Socialist Party does not expect a change in the morality or a spiritual uplifting of our oppressors but rather we demand a change in the structure of society. Workers need to get rebellious, more rebellious than we ever have been to overthrow a social and political system that allows dictators and demagogues to arise and exist in the first place. Change the personnel at the top won't suffice. As Postal Workers President Mark Dimondstein said: “The Democratic Party was not delivering anything even when it had control of the White House, the Congress and the Senate.”  The time has passed when we can passively settle for the lesser of two evils.

The new year won’t be a happy one so long as we passively accept the starvation and suffering of millions of innocent human beings. The coming new year won’t be a happy one so long as we choose to turn a blind eye to the atrocities committed against millions of people around the globe. 2018 won’t be a good year so long as we don’t hold accountable the social and economic system that exploits and oppresses. In 2018, let’s end capitalism. Let’s end wage slavery. Let’s end waging war. Let’s end artificial borders and nation-states.  Let’s resolve to unite humanity with world socialism

Rather than wishing one another a “happy new year”,  let’s declare it loud and clear: “We are not happy! We have had enough! We want change! And we want it now!”

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