

Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Pets in Poverty

Andrew's  dog Ebi tucks into a meal, but it is not from a pet shop or supermarket - it's from the Dundee food bank. Andrew, says the rescue dog, who he has had for more than two years, "means the world" to him, but that he would struggle to feed her without the charity's help. Andrew said: "The main worry is how to feed the dog, she'll come first before me."
He was referred to the food bank after his benefits were sanctioned and was surprised to discover that they could offer food for Ebi as well as himself. "When I heard the food bank would help out with food as well, it was a weight off, another relief. I don't know where I would be if I didn't have her kicking about. She'll eat you out of house and home, but she's a good wee pal."
A dedicated pet food bank currently operates from Cumbernauld, covering central Scotland including Glasgow and Stirling. But the majority of food banks also provide supplies for pet owners.
Dundee food bank manager Ken Linton said that about 25% of clients collecting supplies for themselves also pick up food for their pets. He said some of their clients' pets are their only companions.
He said: "Particularly for those who maybe don't have any other family, they're alone or within the city. That pet is their company and a very, very important part of their life. On a number of occasions they'll feed their pet before they feed themselves. What we want to is to give them the dignity and respect they deserve to get food for themselves and pet food for their animal."
Dundee Cats Protection co-ordinator Irene Brown said: "It is quite an issue and a lot of people are very proud and don't like to admit that they're having problems feeding their animals. We've actually come across this regularly. Sometimes people have more than one cat, it can go up as far as five or six. It's OK in the time you are in employment, feeding is very easy.But then that might come to an end and the feeding and finding food for the cat is more difficult."

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