

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Price Fixing Crapitalism.

Its all in the open now, Loblaws and Weston have been price fixing for 14 years and during most of that time denying their workers a raise. And what you may ask are the authorities going to do about it, and the answer is zilch! -- and why should they since they are there to administrate capitalism and Loblaws and Weston haven't caused any problems for them.

The line ups at the post office in Shoppers' Drug Mart this time of year are very long because they are understaffed. When packages are delivered the help haven't the time to check them because they are serving customers. 
So whats the connection? Loblaws own Shoppers! But they are so full of remorse they are offering 25 buck gift cards to be used at grocery stores across Canada: now ain't they all heart. 

Doesn't it make you want to use the F.O. expression in response to their ''generosity.'' You may want to, but shouldn't instead translate that into action in relation to crapitalism as a whole.

For socialism, 
Steve, Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC.

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