

Monday, January 22, 2018

Raise your consciousness with LSD

Lothian Socialist Discussion 

Wednesday, 24 January - 7:30pm - 9:00pm


 The Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh,
 17 West Montgomery Place,
 Edinburgh EH7 5HA

Socialist consciousness involves understanding socialism which means talking about it, sharing ideas about it - in short, educating ourselves and our fellow workers about it. 

People become socialists from their experiences; meeting socialists is part of that experience. Class struggle without any clear understanding of where you are going is simply committing oneself to a never-ending treadmill. 

We come to a socialist view of the world by interacting directly or indirectly with others, exchanging ideas with them. And that is perhaps the role of this discussion meeting as a catalyst in the process of changing consciousness. 

" If a worker wants to take part in the self-emancipation of his class, the basic requirement is that he should cease allowing others to teach him and should set about teaching himself." - Joseph Dietzgen

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