

Saturday, January 27, 2018

The Crap In Capitalism.

I was returning from shopping and well-meaning people were collecting for children suffering from cancer. I know that research into cancer has been of benefit for many people and lack of money for research in this area takes a minor position compared to money for military purposes. An offshoot of military needs are rockets and trips to Mars for some takes up time in T.V. programmes.
Socialists make the point should the working class decide to get rid of capitalism more resources would be devoted to eradicating the many problems people are suffering from under a capitalist system.
The joys of life on Mars according to Mark Waghorn's article wold be "Astronauts could produce food on Mars using their own excrement."  Professor  Christopher House of Penn State University in the US said: " We test the concept of simultaneously treating astronauts waste with microbes while producing a biomass that is edible either directly or indirectly. It's a little strange but the concept would be a little bit like Marmite or Vegemite, where you're eating a smear of goo.
Should this not be disgusting enough to you, there is also the food that can be made from oil? Yes, Oil. An article I read a while back talked about microbes multiplying while eating up this oil, being flash dried and used to make food items. Bread possibly for this concept a little like Marmite.
Anyone want to guess who they would want to sell this goo too?   

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