

Thursday, January 04, 2018

We need the socialist vision

Wage-slaves must first understand that they are slaves and why they are slaves before they can free themselves of their chains. Liberty can only be won through knowledge. To bring fellow-workers to a understand things from the standpoint of the socialist idea is the aim of the Socialist Party. It is, of course, to the advantage of the capitalists to keep obscure the fact that the working class live in a condition comparable only to that of the plantation slaves with the difference being that, instead of the lash, it is now the threat of starvation, that hold wage-slaves in submission. While the employing class have in their grasp the means of wealth production, while they control the means whereby the necessaries of existence are produced, then it follows inevitably that they possess the power to give or withhold, the necessities of life. We live under the sufferance of the employing class. “This person is useful to us,” say the employers. “We will therefore give him or her sufficient to exist on, to continue to be useful to us.” Or they will say: "This individual is no good for our purpose, too weak, too stupid, or too independent, not docile enough. Be gone. Away with you” And so the men and women of the working class live or die just as it suits the capitalists. The majority of the working class think in same terms as the capitalist, instead of from the point of view of the workers' own interests. The Socialist Party is endeavouring to bring about a revolution, trying to revolutionise the ideas of their fellow workers, to make them realise their present position. That is the first object of the Socialist Party. The whole vast edifice of modern civilisation is built upon the basis of exploitation.

When workers firmly grasp this elementary fact the reformist cries for "improving” the workers' lot, without attacking the exploiting system itself, will fall upon deaf ears, and the good work we are doing will have received its recompense. The Left are forever looking for new and better roads to socialism yet never asking themselves what happened to their old roads?  Socialism is not a better way of running capitalism but a world wide system of society in which the private ownership of the means of production and distribution would be replaced by social ownership. Not some promised encroachment on private ownership but its abolition. The more capitalism is changed in detail the more it remains at base the same—a system resting on the exploitation of the working class. The only road is to get rid of capitalism and introduce socialism and that is a task for which the Left have no mandate. It is a task for the workers of the world and it cannot be begun until they understand and want socialism and organise politically to bring it about. Workers and capitalists do not have the same interests.They are legalised robbers—We are the robbed.  The truth is that the Left never did put forward a case for socialism and proves just how right the Socialist Party has been from day one to treat these left-wing fakers with complete and utter hostility. It shows how right we were stand our ground and say to our fellow-workers: We, the Socialist Party, have never betrayed our principled stand for the working-class interest and nothing less.

There is more to win than a few welfare reforms; we have a world to win. It is time to show that you are serious about socialism by joining the ranks of a party which is not out to run the profit system, but to end it. It will be the most momentous and militant political move of your life. Our Declaration of Principles was laid down when the Party was founded. Acceptance of these principles is demanded of every applicant for membership, in the interest of the Party and the applicant. We do not want, within our ranks, those who do not subscribe to the principles. Neither would it be honest for workers to be drawn into our organisation without fully realising the implications of the principles and the nature of the party they were joining.

 “One man with an idea in his head is in danger of being considered a madman. Two men with the same idea in common may be foolish, but can hardly be mad. Ten men sharing an idea begin to act. A hundred draw attention as fanatics. A thousand and society begins to tremble. A hundred thousand and there is war abroad, and the cause has victories, tangible and real. And why only a hundred thousand? Why not a hundred million and peace on earth? You and I who agree together, if is we who have to answer this question.” - William Morris

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