

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


 "While theologians are disputing the existence of a hell elsewhere, we are on the way to realising it here: and if capitalism is to endure, whatever may become of men when they die, they will come into hell when they are born." - William Morris

Capitalism means every individual's hand raised against all others. Freed from the compulsions of competition and the profit motive that presently hurl capitalist nations into war, socialism will also be a society of peace. Socialist society will be a society of secure human beings, living in peace, in harmony and human brotherhood. It will be a society in which everyone will have the fullest opportunity to develop his or her individuality without sacrificing the blessings of cooperation.  Organising to bring the industries under the ownership of all the people, to build a socialist society of peace, plenty and freedom, is the only future people have.

Everyone knows that there is strength in unity and that disunity brings only weakness and confusion, demoralisation and defeat. Strikes are not simply a struggle between employees and their employers. It is a struggle between the working class and the capitalist class -- a CLASS STRUGGLE that is inherent in and inseparable from the capital-labour relationship. Compelled by the profit motive and competition with their capitalist rivals, employers try to keep wages low and to get ever more production out of their workforce. The workers, on the other hand, driven both by sheer necessity and by normal ambition to rise above a state of constant want, resist and seek to raise pay. Never in our history have workers been asked to do so much for so little. Under capitalism, labour (labour power) is a commodity, a mere "means" of production that capitalists buy in the labour market the same as they buy raw materials in the raw materials market. By accepting the capitalist system, workers accept their commodity status.

The Socialist Party aims to achieve solidarity of labour. However, before workers can achieve genuine solidarity they must r become class-conscious. They must learn that their own interests as individuals are linked together with those of every other worker. Then and not until then can they organize themselves as a class, employed and unemployed, skilled and unskilled, office worker and factory worker. Divided, they are exploited and deprived of their potential collective strength. United, they are more difficult to oppress and repress. The political and economic organisation of the working class provides the best chance for a peaceful change from capitalism to socialism. Through their overwhelming majority, the workers will assert their power to own and operate collectively the means of social production. They next will be able to abolish the political state of class rule. The Socialist Party will be the battering ram with which workers will pound down the walls of capitalism. Every other organization or movement that touches on social questions have one thing in common. That one thing that they all share is that none of them offer any challenge to the misconceptions, illusions, prejudices or fears of the people they campaign to attract. They have no interest in challenging them, for that would only "scare" people away. Instead, they count on and build on those misconceptions, illusions, prejudices and fears. They thrive on them, nurture and exploit them. That is the key to their "success." And as a result they also eventually disappoint those whom they have attracted and recruited. These false movements, have confused the judgement of working people, weakened their hope and squashed their courage until there is apathy and cynicism amidst discontent and despondency. That many of these other organisations claim that they are socialist is a deplorable and they must be confronted and exposed. if you want other workers to know what's going on -- then support The Socialist Party in every way you can, join with the class warriors who comprise the membership of the Socialist Party. We of the Socialist Party know that we are in a race with time. We will either succeed or fail in our mission to penetrate the consciousness of the working class before the capitalists destroy the planet. We live in a world of increasing anarchy and violence Accordingly, we work hard to get our message across now. We aim for a world in which cooperation and peace will be combined with prosperity and freedom for all. The longer it takes to wake up the working class to accomplish the change in a non-violent way, the more difficult it will be to achieve our hopes and aspirations for a new world worth having. Everyone who cherishes peace and understands our world is headed towards the environmental precipice unless we succeed in our mission, ought to support the Socialist Party in every way they can. If not, we and our children are certain to suffer the consequences.

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