

Saturday, February 03, 2018

Green Space

Green space – both private and public parks, gardens, grounds, covers 54% of the urban land area, 1,593 square kilometres – the equivalent of 22 Loch Lomonds. This equates to 27 hectares of green space per 1,000 people (excluding private gardens) – equivalent to a tennis court size of green space per person.
Of this 37% is amenity green space and 28%, private gardens and grounds. Scotland’s most used accessible green spaces - public parks and sports areas, account for 4% and 9% of green space respectively.
Council expenditure on parks and green space has been cut from £27,814 per 1,000 people in 2010/11 to £21,794 in 2015/16.
Chief executive of Greenspace Scotland Julie Procter, said: "This study raises important questions about the quality of green space in our towns and cities. It shows that Scotland’s green space is not delivering to its maximum potential for our people and our places. Whilst many of our parks and green spaces are still in good heart, the report shows we are rapidly approaching a tipping point leading to the downward spiral of reduced maintenance, poorer quality green spaces and lower levels of use – meaning we are at risk of losing the wonderful health, social and environmental benefits that quality green spaces provide."

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