

Friday, February 23, 2018

Lanarkshire's Age "Problem"

A demographic age time bomb is primed to go off across Lanarkshire – as the number of people aged over 75 is set to rocket over the next two decades.
Life expectancy is continuing to increase dramatically over the region according to NHS Lanarkshire, placing a “great strain” on resources. In 20 years, it is projected that there will be 35,600 more people aged over 75 – a rise of 71 per cent.
The interim director of public health, Gabe Docherty, who said: “People are living longer which is fantastic. However, many are living with a range of long-term conditions which is placing great strain on our health and social care services. In these times of increasing demand and of fewer resources, we all need to look at how we use services.”
A further health divide is also exposed across the county, with life expectancy higher in South Lanarkshire than in North Lanarkshire. Men in the north can expect to live for 75.3 years, while the figure for the south is 77. Women in the north are likely to live for 79.6 years while the figure for the south is 80.8.
 However, life expectancy is still below national levels. People in Lanarkshire live on average a year less than others in Scotland (men one year less and women 0.9 years). Compared to the UK as a whole, men in Lanarkshire die three years earlier and women 2.6 years earlier.

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