

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Liberation can seem like a dream. But it is real

Capitalism has infected minds across every section of this society.  Many even think attempting to use this exploitative system is the solution to ending their abuse. Many on the left hold the liberal idea that the political system and institutions working against us are reformable. For sure our needs are many: some need to be fed, need clean water, need health care, need a home or safety, need a community. The list goes on. The work of changing this world is extensive and requires us to not expect overnight results. People who have invested their entire beings into ideas and policies that aren't working are having their dreams and hopes shattered repeatedly.  What's clear is that people need to be more organised. It is crystal clear that a liveable future for humanity is absolutely required.  We live in a world where conflict and division characterise the relations between people and countries. The goal of the Socialist Party is to agitate for world socialism to liberate all of humanity from the chains of exploitation and oppression by the abolition of classes themselves. In this way, the divisions between the city and countryside, and between mental and manual labour will also be abolished, and a society without a State will be created since the State is nothing other than the instrument of the dictatorship of one class over the others. The emancipation of the workers will be accomplished by the workers themselves.  Only an informed working class, informed can create a socialist society. They will achieve it through socialist revolution and replace capitalist commodity production by the socialist organisation of production based on the labour of all the members of society and designed to ensure the complete well-being and full development of each person. The Socialist Party demands the abolition of every form of expropriation and oppression of man by man in social, political and economic life. Men and women shall be free and equal without exception. The principle of all for one and one for all will be the life principle of the coming society. Socialism is a society in which all the members of the community collectively determine their conditions of life and their way of living. In order to do so, they must control, collectively, the use to which machines, factories, raw materials – all the means of production – are put. Unless the means of production are effectively in the hands of the whole society, not as in Britain today where 1 per cent of the population owns 90 per cent, there can be no question of the collective control of the conditions of life.

 Wage-slavery is a fact. They who buy and they who sell in the labor market are alike dehumanised by the inhuman traffic of human beings. Without this commerce in human life, capitalism would crumble and perish. There is but one issue, the overthrow of the capitalist system and the emancipation of the working class from wage-slavery. The political solidarity of the working class means the death of despotism and the birth of freedom.  Socialists did not invent human aspirations for a just, egalitarian and free society; mankind has cherished such dreams for a very long time. What socialists have done is to take these aspirations and shape them into a revolutionary project.  Socialism, for Marx, as for the Socialist Party, is the self-emancipation of the working class, and it is nothing else. There is no socialism without collective, democratic rule by the people who do the work and create the wealth. No leader nor vanguard party can substitute for the working-class struggle for socialism. Future society will be a free societ without rulers and ruled, leaders and led, masters and slaves.

  The Socialist Party does not intend to lead fellow-workers towards a class-free society because they are a part of the working class themselves and adhere faithfully to the motto of the First International: The emancipation of the workers is an act of the workers themselves. If people wait for a revolutionary vanguard to lead them to the classless society or the free society, they will neither be free nor classless. The function of the Socialist Party as revolutionaries is to expose capitalism and propound the view that the destruction of capitalism liberates the people and opens the door to the construction of a new society.  The Socialist Party strives for the complete victory of the social revolution of the working class.

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