

Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Scotland Needs Newcomers

REDUCING migration to the tens of thousands would cost Scotland’s economy up to £10 billion a year in lost economic growth from 2040, the Scottish Government has said.
External Affairs Secretary Fiona Hyslop insisted the UK Government’s preferred approach to migration would be “catastrophic” for the country.
 “Over the next 25 years, Scotland’s working age population will grow by only 1 per cent, compared with an increase of 25 per cent in the pension age population. It is welcome that people are living longer but this underlines the importance of migration to our economy.
“The UK Government’s policy of pursuing a reduction in net migration to only tens of thousands across the whole UK would be catastrophic for Scotland’s economy and do serious damage to our future prosperity, with the potential loss of up to £10 billion of GDP every year after 2040. That cannot be allowed to happen.
“Even a more modest reduction in migration as a result of the end of freedom of movement of workers through leaving the EU would see a £5 billion reduction in real GDP each year after 2040. That is not an acceptable scenario for Scotland.

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