

Friday, February 09, 2018

The Problem Of Voting For Leeches

Despite any improvements in the condition of the working class, the gap between the amount of wealth they enjoy and that of the capitalist class has continually got wider. 

The Canadian Centre For Policy Alternatives, (I wonder if they've ever suggested socialism?), has been monitoring this gap for the past eleven years.

 Their findings are that the average workers pay increased in 2016 by 0.5%, whereas the average increase for Canada's top 100 CEO's was 8%. 

The average annual income for the Canadian worker in 2016 was $49,738; for the top CEO's it was $10.4 million.

 Some may think the working class is very considerate in allowing their bosses to exploit them to such a great extent, but I don't think they are considerate enough. The most considerate thing the working class can do for them would be to write ''Socialism'' on their ballot papers, then all the ex-capitalists can start living lives as useful, productive members of society, not as leeches.

For socialism, 
Steve, Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC.

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