

Sunday, February 04, 2018

The Ups And Downs In Capitalism.

On Jan 5 Stats-Canada revealed that the Canadian economy had added 80,000 jobs in December owing to an increase in part-time employment. The unemployment rate fell to 5.7 per cent, its lowest since 1976. 

However, it ain't time to celebrate yet folks, statistics can sometimes be misleading. They don't include people who are out of work and have used up their,''benefits'', and how can part-timers make enough to pay the bills? 

Furthermore, if things on the employment front were as hunky-dory as the apologists for capitalism claim, there is, nevertheless a downside. Since everything is going so well, economists are predicting the Bank of Canada will hike interest rates.

That's life under capitalism; what you gain in one way, you lose in another. 

Boy what a system!

For socialism, 
Steve, Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC.

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