

Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Will Oprah Be Better?

After Oprah Winfrey's speech about sexual harassment at the Golden Globe awards there is speculation, as you may have heard, about the possibility of her running for prez. in 2020. Reaction has been different, as one may expect. Some say she couldn't do worse than the twit who has the job now, but then who could? Obviously Oprah has no experience in public service, but some who have screw up. She may be a well meaning person, but then we all know the paradigm about good intentions.

So in the interests of cutting the crap and calling a spade a spade, lets take a look at this woman. The differences between Oprah and Trump, besides the obvious ones of gender and colour are those of intelligence and couth; there is no way she would publicly refer to another country as a ''s...hole''.

 But one must seriously ask how different are they? She became famous through her show which catered to an audience mostly of women who wanted to lose weight and people who ate up the ''anyone can get rich quick'' apology for a philosophy. The most pathetic event of all was when she gave everyone a car and they later found it was taxable! In other words Oprah and Trump are a typical by-product of capitalism - hucksters.

The main question is, ''does it matter who is elected? and the answer is 'yes' in matters of detail. One politician may be more inclined to pass a much needed reform than another. However it doesn't matter who is elected as far as the fundamentals are concerned, meaning we live under capitalism a system that, by its very structure, divides society into haves and have nots and no amount of ''good laws'' will change that. So let's have done with the Trumps and Oprahs of this world, and the best way to do that is having done with the system that has created them.

For socialism,
 Steve, Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC.

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