

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Witch Hunts All Over Again

Pressure has obviously been put on Patrick Brown to resign as leader of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party, in the light of allegations of sexual misconduct. 

With an impending Provincial election, it was obvious the PCs could not win if he didn't step down. Brown's career is now over and his future is one of disgrace, and yet the man has not had his day in court and is condemned merely by accusation. 

On this whole matter of sexual misbehaviour, things have snowballed out of control since Harvey Weinstein was accused. It is witch hunts all over again, a return to the days of McCarthy where one was presumed guilty until proven innocent and good luck with that buddy.

It's easy enough to say it isn't fair, but who said life under capitalism should be fair?

For socialism, 
Steve, Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC.

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