

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Enough! Enough! No More Capitalism!

The great only appear great because the poor are on their knees.

There isn’t actually anything great about “the great and the good” and certainly nothing good about them. They have simply done a good propaganda job convincing everyone else that the majority is good for nothing better than to be rule over. History is littered with examples of great men who were discovered to be pathetic empty vessels.

Capitalism is a global system and has become more so with each new year. A large majority of the public now agree we are devouring the planet and they increasingly recognise that capitalism exacerbates the hardship of the people around the world. The guiding principle of capitalism, its essence is competition, the to make a profit out of one’s fellows, and to grow richer than one’s fellows. This strife is inherent in all the ramifications of society. So the contest will continue, always growing fiercer, whilst capitalism continues. Science places ever more terrible means of warfare at the disposal of the great combatants, the few rich men behind the Governments who throw the entire populations of the nations into the strife for their enrichment. It is useless to imagine that a change of parties, a change of diplomatic method, will check the gigantic contest. The United Nations itself will be used as an instrument in the hands of whichever power can succeed in dominating it.

There will always be wars,” say the apologists of capitalism but socialists know otherwise. We know that wars will cease, but only with the downfall of the capitalist system. We know, further, that with the end of capitalism the coercion of nation by nation, class by class, by which the Government of present-day society is maintained, will also disappear. We know that no half-measures will suffice and that the entire fabric of capitalism must be swept away if its evils are to be eliminated. Socialism and capitalism cannot co-exist. There is no hope in eliminating merely the big capitalist corporations, for the small capitalist is continually growing with prosperity into the large capitalist. Only complete socialism can save us from capitalism, for socialism cannot exist as a half-measure. There must be:
Common ownership of the land, the means of production, distribution, transport, and communication, and management by councils of those who do the actual work. Money, barter, and all forms of payment, and buying and selling, and wages must be abolished: Rationing of any sort can only be tolerated in case of occasional scarcity. From each according to ability, to each according to needs.

Our name “The Socialist Party” is not a marketing slogan to recruit members, it is what we are and embodies why we exist. We are a political party for a radically new world guided by an emancipatory understanding of the class struggle. 

Immigration is being used as a scapegoat for many of capitalism's problems. Anyone in capitalism can become the “other”.  Unity  – if there ever was any – is a thing of the past. Yet welcoming newcomers is first and foremost the solution to low birth rates and labour shortages. In Paris, London, Madrid, Berlin, Dublin, Malmo, Milan and a thousand other European cities diversity is being innovation and imagination. Forget about a European Union. Let Europe unite with the world instead. The reality is that it has always been just an extension of Asia and Africa. The workers of the world by migrating to Europe and doing their thing are proving this. Europe is being re-born. And that’s to be celebrated.

The Socialist Party wants the people of the world to work together to create the potential for living harmoniously with each other and with the environment.  Although each struggle is unique according to their circumstances every struggle is connected to struggles of others. For that reason, we must understand the global nature of capitalism and its contradictions.

  Our world suffers from a peculiar paradox that raises fundamental questions about our economic system. Advances in science and technology are offering exciting new solutions to age-old problems like hunger, poverty, ill health and lack of access to education and livelihood opportunities. Yet there exists the continued prevalence of deprivation and misery. A systemic change is the need of the hour to address this grave situation.  If such a movement does not take off, we will condemn another generation to hardships and destitution.

Children have become the most vulnerable victims in recent times. Civil wars, conflicts, natural and man-made disasters have not only killed millions but also rendered millions of children homeless. Shockingly, there has been a five-fold increase in the number of orphaned or unaccompanied children who have moved are refugees. More than 40 million people, most of them children and youth are victims of modern slavery. Over 150 million children are still forced to work. And more than 260 million children are being denied their fundamental right to education at the primary and secondary levels. These innocent children stare at a bleak future. We can create a world where every child lives freely with dignity. It is a socialist future that we can realise together. The capitalist system must be completely overthrown and replaced by the common ownership.


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