

Monday, March 12, 2018

How About A Massive Improvement In Everyone's Life For All Time.

 Justin Trudeau was jubilant when he signed Canada up for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which has joined Canada to a trade deal with ten other Pacific region countries. To quote, ''Our government stood up for Canadian interests and this agreement meets our objectives of creating and sustaining growth, prosperity and well paying middle-class jobs today and for generations to come.''

 Not everyone was quite so ecstatic; Unifor prez. Jerry Dias fears Canadian auto workers will have to compete with ''cheap labour'' in Asia and the Canadian car markets will be swamped with Hondas and Toyotas.

 Christopher Monette, a spokesman for Teamsters Canada, said Canada is giving away some of their dairy markets and claimed the labour protections in the TPP were weak. 

It is too early to say how things will play out concerning the details, but of one thing we can be sure - the best that can happen is that some sections of the working class in Canada will find a slight improvement in their lives for a short time. 

How about a massive improvement in everyone's life for all time?

For socialism,
 Steve, Mehmet, John
 & all contributing members of the SPC.

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