

Thursday, March 08, 2018

Workers Must Survive On Reduced Pensions.

When Sears Canada went under it wasn't a sudden shock, people had been predicting it 4 years ago. During that time many employees had tried to protect their pensions. They wrote to Sears CEO Calvin McDonald, they met with Sears chairman Brandon Stranzl, they communicated with repeatedly with the Financial Services Commission of Ontario. They wrote to Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne and to every member of the provincial parliament and met with representatives from Ontario's finance industry.

All this was to no avail.

When Sears Canada applied for protection from creditors in June 2017, the deficit in the pension plan was $226.8 million. Now 16,000 ex-Sears workers face a future of living on reduced pensions, but then whoever claimed that capitalism and security went hand-in-hand?
For socialism, 
Steve, Mehmet, John & all contributing members of the SPC.

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