

Sunday, May 06, 2018

A socialist future can work

The basic aim of all our activities in the Socialist Party is to help the working class to accomplish the task of establishing a socialist society. Socialism means freedom. Freedom from poverty, insecurity, exploitation, and war. It means the full flowering of individual, spirit, and initiative and a richer and happier life for every family. It will provide, for the first time, opportunities to develop the full potential of every human being. It will guarantee the conservation of our land, and a more secure. These goals can only be brought about by the socialist revolution. The noble aim of the Socialist Party is to abolish the right of one person to rob another of the fruits of his or her labour, bankers, landlords, and profiteers no longer exist and common ownership prevails. This is what makes the Socialist Party different from all others. Nowhere in the world has socialism been established. The system of exploitation for profits extended over the entire globe. There is only one class capable of overthrowing capitalism: the working class. Exploited by the relations of production under capitalism, the working class has a direct material interest in the overthrow of capitalism and its replacement by socialism, the system in which the working class owns and controls the means of production and collectively shares in the products of its labour. The working class, created by capitalism, is also the destroyer of capitalism.

Since Marx first called for a society "from each according to ability, to each according to need" this vision has inspired hundreds of millions. It has been the driving force in history. But it has also raised the problem: how do we win? The effort to build a revolutionary movement capable of creating communism while still working under the powerful grip of capitalism is clearly no small or simple task.

Since Marx first called for a society "from each according to ability, to each according to need" this vision has inspired hundreds of millions. It has been the driving force in history. But it has also raised the problem: how do we win? The effort to build a revolutionary movement capable of creating communism while still working under the powerful grip of capitalism is clearly no small or simple task. Despite false starts and setbacks, we remain convinced the working class will realise its revolutionary potential but no movement has yet been built primarily around making socialist ideas mass ideas.

Nationalism preaches to the people of a nation or national group that regardless of class they have more in common with one another than they do with the people of other nations. Nationalism helps bind the working class to the plutocracy and the oligarchs of its nation. The Socialist Party line is, "One world, one class.” In response to nationalism and to anti-immigration, we say, "No borders." We don't say, "Abolish some borders." We don't say, "Some of the workers of the world, unite." Our class has learned from bitter experience that there is no halfway or reform solution to nationalism. Our call is for all of the workers of the world to unite. There are no capitalist solutions. There are no "good" borders or bosses. There is no "good" nationalism. And there are no "good" reforms. We show that dividing the workers on national or ethnic race lines enables the bosses to rip-off, one group of workers, while robbing all workers. The workers must awake, and awake quickly, to the realisation that war with all its horrors is the product of the capitalist system. To conceal the true source of war, capitalist propagandists divide the nations into “aggressors” and “peace-lovers.” This is a lie. The people of every nation hate war, for they are its victims. They are plunged into war by the capitalist rulers, who alone profit from it.

By making the reforms primary priority our fellow-workers are neglecting the socialist idea of abolishing the wage system." We need to live in a society in which the labour of the working class enhances everybody, where there will be no profits for the bosses. There will be no bosses at all. Only the working class, which suffers the cruelties of capitalism in peace and war, can deal the death-blow to this foul system. The workers can rally the broadest masses to their liberating banner and can change the world. Having abolished capitalism, they can harness the productive forces and the wondrous discoveries of science to the service of human needs.  The release of new technology and computerisation opens up grand vistas for the development of human society. It holds the promise of eliminating all poverty and raising the living standards of all peoples to undreamed-of heights. Hazardous and unhealthy occupations can become things of the past. The drudgery and servitude of ugly and unnecessary toil can be ended. There can be leisure and comfort and cultural advancement for every man, woman, and child on earth. All on one condition – that capitalism, the strangler of human progress, is ended! In the meantime, the poor and the needy – the millions of them – drag out their drab and dismal lives.

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