

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Capitalism's Pressures? What We Can Say.

Like everyone else, socialists are shocked and saddened at the senseless slaughter that happened on Toronto's Yonge St. on April 23 and need not be described here.
Obviously, it was the behaviour of a very mentally ill person which we socialists can never condone. Nor can we condone a society which creates such pressure on individuals that cracks them to perform anti-social acts. We cannot argue that there will be no mentally ill people in a socialist society. What we can say is with the removal of the pressures capitalism places on us, it will be considerably less, and if someone is showing signs of mental sickness, they will quickly receive treatment. 

Until then, violent antisocial acts, which crapitalism engenders year in and year out, will undoubtedly continue with no end in sight until it ends.
For socialism
Steve, Mehmet, John & all contributing members of the SPC.

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