

Monday, May 14, 2018

Fight for the Future

It's become a cliché to point out that human civilisation is in the middle of an existential crisis. The issue is clear – change or face extinction.

The Socialist Party deals with facts, not abstractions. We see a system of society, in which a small minority, the capitalist class, own the means of producing wealth. We see that this class no longer takes an active part in the production of the wealth which they own, and of which they retain a large part after paying wages to the workers, the real producers. We see that the capitalist class have ceased to be socially useful and that the organisation of society which they built up, and which was in its time and place necessary and an advance on previous systems, has become a hindrance to further progress. We see that the capitalists maintain their position by their control of the machinery of Government, and we know they will not willingly abdicate their privileged position. We can recognise that poverty is the greatest cause of death and illness globally; it strangles the lives of billions of people, denying the expression of innate potential, condemning men, women, and children to live stunted uncreative lives of interminable suffering and drudgery. Obscene levels of wealth are concentrated in the hands of a smaller and smaller number of capitalists whilst the poor are forced to beg for the crumbs that fall from their lavish tables.

Because of this, we ask our fellow-workers to organise for the conquest of power so that they may wrest from the ruling class their hold on the means, of life, and may rebuild society on the basis of common ownership and democratic control. The Socialist Party seeks something definite and material. Socialism is born of the class struggle that goes on unceasingly owing to the private property basis of society. Socialism will arise out of the material conditions that exist in the capitalist organisation in which we live. We fight for the possession of the world’s wealth. Our aims are clear and we have no need to hide them under the figments of men’s minds, whether these be God’s or idealistic conceptions of justice and equity.  We want to abolish capitalism. We want common ownership. We stand for the destruction of wage slavery and the profit-making system. We propose to deprive the capitalists of their private ownership of the means of life. We stand for socialism, because in that alone lies the hope of the working class.  The key to creating a just society lies in the encouragement of sharing. In various areas of life, sharing is beginning to fashion the way things are done as we see on the internet. The worldwide web allows sharing on an unprecedented scale and has given billions of people access to information and ideas. Injustice must be eradicated from our world, and the principal means of doing this is through free access to goods an services, otherwise, social disharmony will persist and global peace will remain a fantasy.  To achieve social well-being a major transformation of our worldview, society and economy are needed.

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