

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Nationalism is no solution

Various little bands of quasi-socialists in a patriotic effort try to persuade the working class that Scottish independence would mark a step forward towards its own liberation, a step towards socialism. Nothing could be further from the truth. With the conditions that prevail today, the independence of Scotland would not mean a step forward towards socialism. it would be a step backward. The people who parade behind the banner of “Scottish sovereignty and socialism” catch the attention of Scotland's workers by perpetuating a number of falsehoods.  lf Scotland gains its constitutional sovereignty, it will not be independent. The reason is quite simple: it goes against the interests of the native capitalists.  the unity of capital and commerce goes from sea to shining sea, for the good of all of the capitalist class. The SNP is a capitalist party. It works on behalf of the capitalists. The difference between the SNP and the other capitalist parties is not that it is calling for a different social system. What’s different is that they are looking for a new sharing of powers. The sharing will just be between groups of capitalists. Keep it in the family. But that’s not fair, the supporters of left-wing independence and socialism declare. “What we want is real independence. What we want is freedom from imperialist domination.” Our left-nationalists should stop playing with words.

Working class unity is a must right now if effective resistance is to be mounted to the crisis measures imposed by the capitalists. Unity is necessary to stand up against all the austerity attacks upon our fellow workers across all the borders. Unity is the key to putting an end to capitalism.  The working class faces a powerful and aggressive enemy which is solidly united despite the real contradictions within its ranks. The people are not going to win by dividing themselves along national lines. Those political activists who dress up as socialists in order to push nationalism in the working class are the objective allies of the capitalists. The “left” nationalists would have us believe that the welfare demands of the people can only be met through independence. Thus, they claim, the task is to transform bourgeois home-rule into a socialist independence. In reality, they find themselves in the camp of those promoting division of the working class.

Supporting Scottish independence in the name of socialism is a monumental hoax.  It is the same pattern of thinking which leads some to preach nationalisation as the cure for all our ills. It is up to the working class to show it will not be duped by political nonsense and deceitful rhetoric. 

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