

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Promise, Well Maybe

Ontario NDP leader, Andrea Horwath, outlined her party's plan called, Change for the Better, on April 16. With the present unpopularity of the Liberals, Ms. Horwath stands a good chance of being elected Ontario's premier on June 7. She promised affordable childcare - free for families who earn $40,000 or less - and an average of $12 a day for most others. An NDP government would raise the corporate tax from 11.5 to 13 per cent, close big business loopholes, and increase personal income tax on amounts of earnings above $220,000 by one per cent and on more than $300,000 by two per cent, (I'm sure they'd feel it). A 3 per cent surcharge would be put on cars and SUV's that cost more than $900,000. 

To quote Ms. Horwath, ''We are going to protect middle and lower income families and make sure everyone has better services.'' 

Would these reforms make life better for a lot of people? Probably, especially Mr. and Mrs. working class who have kids. 
Would these reforms be outdated in a few years? You betcha! 

Horwath and her buddies do not advocate changing the basis of society, the ownership of the means of life by a small minority. From this flows, AND WILL CONTINUE TO FLOW, the social evils of war, poverty, unemployment, famine, disease, planned obsolescence, addiction and, Ms. Horwath, breakdown of family life.

 We of the Socialist Party don't want superficial improvement for wage slaves within capitalism -- we want to abolish it for equal social access to the means of life for all.
For socialism, 

Steve, Mehmet, John & all contributing members of the SPC.

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