

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Unaffordable Rent

Private renting has become "completely unaffordable" in some areas of Scotland, according to a new report from the Scottish government. The report said that privately-rented housing had become "completely unaffordable in some areas" due to a freeze on local housing allowance. In Edinburgh, those getting help with housing costs for a one-bedroom flat would only be able to afford 5% of available properties, not the 30% envisaged by Westminster.
The introduction of Universal Credit has had a "substantial impact" on the number of people falling behind and the amount owed, it said. It added that soaring arrears affected landlords' ability to collect rents. The Scottish government report said that almost three quarters (72%) of social housing tenants in East Lothian claiming Universal Credit were behind on their rent, compared with 30% of all tenants in the region.
About one-fifth of Scotland's 2.4 million households get UK government assistance with housing costs.

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