

Monday, May 21, 2018

We are revolutionary

There is a considerable amount of confusion over what genuine socialism is. For decades, capitalist spokesmen, politicians, educators, and preachers have been telling us numerous falsehoods about this socio-economic system of the future. We have been told that it existed in the former Soviet Union, China, and Cuba, that it's been active in Sweden and Great Britain, that it's a dictatorship or that it means state control over the economy. Capitalist speakers have been spreading these lies because it's within their interests to promote the falsehoods so that the working class never understands or supports, en masse, a viable alternative to capitalism or any other system based on class rule and exploitation of labour. As a result, since it was first conceived in the early 19th century as the next step in social evolution after capitalism (just as capitalism replaced a previous economic system, feudalism) the tenets of socialism have been suppressed by the ruling class. No school textbooks, from elementary school to graduate school, accurately promote it, all spread one or more of the aforementioned falsehoods, and all attest that such a system is impossible and that capitalism is the pinnacle of socio-economic evolution

At this moment in history, it is understandable that the revolutionary movement for socialism is fragmented, yet in time perhaps, a new, far larger party of socialism will appear, whereupon all socialists will fight united for economic freedom. Unfortunately, that is not the case presently. Ultimately, it will be up to the vast majority of the people at the time to determine which policies will be utilized, such as how to bring about socialism, how to run the system after it's established and what method will be used to distribute the output to the workers. It must be left to the people to decide after, or perhaps just before, socialism is established as to how the society will be run, and all the genuine parties agree that it is not appropriate or desirable for a small party to decide on specific details of how to run the system without the consent of the vast majority, since socialism will be a complete democracy and not the nominal one we have under capitalism. The Socialist Party is adamant that no blueprint for running the future socialist society can be administered now. It must be done by the vast majority of the people at the time of the system's inception, and not by the socialist minority that exists today.  Many questions exist unanswered at this time, such as what family structure, sexual relations, popular culture, romance, and philosophy will be like under socialism.  We won't know these things until after the system becomes a reality. 

 The important question as to when socialism will come about is also unknown. At the present time, no large revolutionary movement or challenge to capitalism exists; the working class of the present time remains a sleeping giant with few signs of an awakening. Pro-capitalist advocates hang on to the belief that their beloved system of power and privilege for the few over the many, class rule, will somehow manage to cheat history and scientific advancement and continue for as long as the human race exists. We also do not know if the people will rise up before the planet's ecological collapse, or sometime after; if it doesn't rise up beforehand, then a system of industrial feudalism and the dawning of a second Dark Age may well be the result. If the working class turns to the capitalist government for a "solution" to the collapse of capitalism rather then finding one themselves, we can be rest assured that the government will do everything it can to preserve class rule and to initiate the preservation of the class privilege of its masters by any means necessary.

In fact, if capitalism were to collapse tomorrow, chaos would almost certainly be the result. At the present time the vast majority of the working classes of the world remain apathetic, distracted by the modern equivalent of "bread and circuses" (sports events, mindless television shows), involved with futile reform measures to make capitalism easier to live with or attacking one specific problem of capitalism rather than the system itself, overcome with cynicism against the human race, ignorant of a viable alternative to class rule, misinformed about the true nature of socialism and, ultimately, still loyal to capitalism. Thus, the relatively small number of socialists that now exist can only continue with their education and agitation, and hope that the vast majority of the working class becomes class-conscious and initiates an organised resistance to capitalism before yet another of capitalism comes about, so that we can hopefully avoid a worldwide despotic reign of terror if civilisation collapses before the eventual establishment of socialism.

The Socialist Party supports the establishment of an economic system that is not divided into two contending social classes; there would be no minority class that owns all the property involved with the production or distribution of the goods in society and which thereby forces the majority class to work for them in exchange for only a tiny fraction of the wealth, while the ruling class appropriates the lion's share for themselves simply because they own. The Leninist system utilised by the former Soviet Union and China (as well as Cuba) do not fit the criteria of a class-free society, as they too were/are divided into a tiny and very privileged ruling class that owns the industries and services, and a very large working class that does all of the labour in exchange for a very minuscule portion of the social wealth. No genuine socialist political party would support this system of "state capitalism", or refer to them as being socialist.

The Socialist Party advocates a system that functions without money; in other words, there would be no type of circulating means of currency which can be used to purchase the means of production and distribution and be used by individuals for their own personal enrichment, and thereby acquire a disproportionate amount of the wealth in society, as under capitalism. Once again, the Leninist countries operating under the guise of "communism" or "socialism" in the world today all possess circulating monetary currency necessary to acquire the goods and services, and which limits the amount of goods the people can obtain.

The Socialist Party insists that there will be no political government, a point to be emphasised. The Socialist Party does not favour the continuation of the State or believes that the State is anything other than an oppressive tool of a ruling class used to enforce class rule. All of the other parties claiming to be "socialist" endorse the continuation of the political state and foster the belief that the state can be goaded into administering society for the benefit of everyone. True socialists realise that the political state is not needed in a genuine socialist society, and agree that it only serves the interests of the ruling classes, and would not and cannot serve the interests of a classless society, and that the latter would be quite incapable of existing harmoniously alongside a coercive entity like a state. 

The Socialist Party recognises the modern reality of potential abundance which will take over the outmoded principle of artificial scarcity and promotes the concept of common, ownership of the industries and services, with no ruling or boss class as part of the equation. Such social ownership exists nowhere in the world today.

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