

Sunday, June 10, 2018

A New Vision for the Working Class

The motivating aim of capitalism is not satisfaction of people's needs, but profitability of capital. The essence of the socialist revolution is abolition of private ownership of the means of production and their conversion into common ownership of the whole society. A socialist t revolution puts an end to the class division of society and abolishes the wage-labour system. Thus, market, exchange of commodities, and money disappear. Production for profit is replaced by production to meet people's needs and to bring about greater prosperity for all. Work, which in capitalist society for the overwhelming majority is coercive and compulsory gives way to voluntary, creative and conscious activity to enrich human life. Everyone, by virtue of being a human being and being born into human society will be equally entitled to all of life's resources and the products of collective effort. From everyone according to their ability, to everyone according to their need — this is a basic principle of socialism. The development of each person will be the condition of development of the society. Socialist society is a global system. National boundaries and divisions will disappear and give way to a universal human identity. Socialism will be free of religion, superstitious beliefs, and archaic traditions and customs that strangle free thought. In socialism the state withers away, society is a society without a state. The administrative affairs of the society will be managed by the cooperation, consensus and collective decision-making of all of its members. The wage-labour system, that is the daily compulsion of the great majority of people to sell their physical and intellectual abilities to others in order to make a living, is the source of the social violence which is inherent of this system and applied against anyone who stands up to any oppression. In this system, thanks to the rivalry of capitals and economic blocs, war and genocide have assumed staggering proportions. The technology of war and mass destruction is far more advanced than the technology used in production of goods. The global arsenal can annihilate the world several times over. This is the system that has actually used horrendous nuclear and chemical weapons against people.

Can such a system be swept out of the way of human liberation?  Law is the will and interest of the ruling class made to bind all. The ruling ideas in every society are the ideas of ruling class. But the extent of intellectual, cultural and moral domination and control of the bourgeoisie over the life of society today is now unprecedented. The scientific and technological advances and the powerful mechanism of the market transcends all national, tribal, political and cultural barriers, and today provides the wealthy with enormous ideological power on a world scale.  In this society, self-interest and competition, i.e. the rationale behind the capitalist's behaviour in the market, are portrayed as human nature as such and sanctified as exalted human values. Here the relations among people are a reflection and an extension of the relations among commodities. People's worth and status are measured by their relation to ownership. The bourgeoisie broke up the local and narrow arrangement of the old society and organised nation-states. Tribalism and parochialism gave way to modern bourgeois nationalism and patriotism as the heaviest ideological yoke ever put on the shoulders of the working people. The mass media is now indoctrinating and controlling minds, intimidating and isolating people, countering critical and dissident ideas. These institutions and the modern forms of thought-control are pillars of political stability, particularly in times of crisis, uncertainty and popular unrest. A critical requirement for the progress and victory of the social revolution is to put forward a revolutionary perspective before the working class. Capitalism is a world system, the working class is a worldwide class, workers' conflict with the employing class is a daily struggle on a global scale, and socialism is an alternative that the working class presents to the whole of humanity. The socialist movement must also be organised on a global scale.

The immediate aim of a socialist party is to organise the social revolution of the working class. A revolution that overthrows the entire exploitative capitalist relations and puts an end to all exploitations and hardships, the immediate establishment of socialism; a society without classes, without private ownership of the means of production, without wage labour and without a state; a free human society in which all share in the social wealth and collectively decide the society's direction and future. A socialist world is possible this very day. 

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