

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Prevention Is Better Than A Cure

On May11 Justin Trudeau and Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard announced plans to build a 12.8-kilometer by-pass at Lac-Megantic.

 In 2013 a train carrying crude oil came of the track, exploded, killed 47 people and destroyed most of the downtown area. This was in blatant violation of safety regulations so they could save a few bucks. 

The bypass has been estimated to cost $133 million; the federal government will pay 60 per cent and the provincial one 40 per cent.

 A typical capitalist situation caused by putting a price tag on everything and then having to pay more money because an ounce of prevention wasn't worth a ton of cure. Boy! what a system.
For socialism,

 Steve, Mehmet, John & contributing members of the SPC

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